How to beat Palm Cracker!

A quick walkthrough, I'll expand on it later on.

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This game is played by unlocking books to solve riddles. Several icons are locked, and needs to be decrypted to enter. Read up on the cipher and crack the codes. Start by reading the Read me file.

Password number 1

Password hint: NOVMO +5

Cipher: Caesar's cipher

This book is unlocked right from the start. You learn that you need to change the letters in the password hint, following the numbers. NOVMO -5 means that you jump five steps forward

Click to reveal the password

A new icon appears on the device, called I SEE YOU. Open it up, click on I C U (i see you) to unlock the next book.

Password number 2

Password hint: cocododexox

Cipher: Robbers' language

The next level is placed in the Expense icon. Read the book and find out how Robbers' Language work. Remove the correct letters in cocododexox to find the password.

Click to reveal the password

At first glance, it looks like someone has made a budget document. But this is actually the order in which you need to feed the cat in the software Neko. One bird, then two mice, one fish and finally two birds. Do that to unlock the next book!

Password number 3

Password hint: WYOESATOAY

Cipher: Rail fence cipher

The next level is placed in the Datebook icon. Read the book and find out how Rail cipher works, you might need to write this down.

W    Y    O    E    S
   A    T    O    A    Y

Click to reveal the password

You find out that you have to click on the Panic Sardines when the two final numbers add up to 13. Panic Sardines is an anagram for Princess Diana. Head over to the Dianameter and wait until the final two numbers add up to 13. This might take a while, if you're unlucky. Take the moment to think about the late princess. When you succeed, book number 4 will be unlocked.

Password number 4


Cipher: Rail fence cipher, continued

The next level is placed in the Address icon. Read the book and find out how Rail cipher works when multible rails are being used. Not too easy!

T    H     T     I
 H Y A  I  C  M  N
  E    D    O     G

Click to reveal the password

I SEE YOU has changed and flipped around! Head into the I SEE YOU icon and click on the correct letters once again. I C U, to unlock the fifth book.

Password number 5

Password hint: Weird symbols

Cipher: Pig pen

The next level is placed in the Mail icon. Read the book and find out how Pig pen cipher works. The key to solve it is in the I See You icon, but mirrored! Once you've translated the symbols, you get the password.

Click to reveal the password

"Never forget the date she died". Who? Princess Diana, of course! Y * D + M means her death year, day and month. 1997 * 31 + 8. Use the calculator to solve it, and unlock the next book! (Your own calculator won't do the job)

Password number 6

Password hint: 435221113152431212

Cipher: Polybios

The next level is placed in the Graffiti icon. Read the book and find out how the Polybius cipher works. 43 turns into o, 52 into k and so on. Once you've translated the numbers, they spell out the password.

Click to reveal the password

The sad woman did it! Keep accusing her! Head into the Catch the Criminal game and just keep clicking on the sad woman. After a few clicks you unlock the next, and final book.

Password number 7

Password hint: KBPBLOCFOB

Cipher: Playfair

You need a keyword to solve the Playfair cipher. A new icon has appeared, telling you that the keyword is what people call the owner. In the Read me file, you can see that he's called the CRYPT killer, with the word "crypt" being highlighted.

Start by drawing out a 5x5 grid and write C R Y P T on the top row. Follow by filling out the rest of the grid with the remaining alphabet. It should look like this:


Divide the password into pairs like so: KB PB LO CF OB
Find the pair in the grid, and imagine a box being drawn around them. Then take the opposite letter of the boxes corner. So KB turns to HE, PB to RE - and so on. None of the letters are found on the same row or column, which makes this a lot easier to solve. Finally, you'll find the correct answer.

Click to reveal the password

Congratulations! You beat the game!